YI CHUN LIU's profile

Big Island Adventures event booking website

Capstone Project - Big Island Adventures | 2023
Technologies Used:
• backend - Python / Flask / SQLAlchemy / PostgreSQL
• frontend - Javascript / Axios / React / React-router-dom / Bootstrap
It's a group project. Developed a Hawaii-focused one-day events booking website that provided location-based recommendations for indoor and outdoor events using real-time weather data. Built and deployed both the front-end and back-end on Heroku, and established a database of users and events. Incorporated AccuWeater API to gather weather information.

front-end GitHub link: https://github.com/lisabethu88/big_island_adventures_front_end
back-end GitHub Link: https://github.com/wich229/big_island_adventures_backend
Big Island Adventures event booking website


Big Island Adventures event booking website
