Profiel van Kylee Halter

Everyday Object Design: Squishy Mug

Everyday Object Design: Squishy Mug
Adobe Illustrator - Made in 2022

This was an assignment for my ART 256 class. Along with the three graphics below, designed to communicate my prototype idea, this is an excerpt for the writing piece attached to it as well: 

"Picture this: you’re a student in college, and with your major, every day brings a new, exciting challenge to the table. Devoted to bringing your best effort, you head to your room and throw your assignments on your desk, all items spread out and ready to be used as you conquer each one. Before you start, you decide to grab your favorite drink to keep at your side, keeping you focused. However, as you return to your desk, you realize that there’s no room to set your cup. Finally, you toss some books to the ground and risk setting your cup at the corner. In an ‘aha’ moment as you’re working, you throw your hands in the air and end up knocking your cup back off the desk--the drink stains the books and carpet and your mug shatters, leaving you to wish you’d never gotten that drink in the first place. 
    ‘Squishy Mug’ fixes all those problems. It is an object created with forgiveness in mind; not only is it impossible to spill the contents of this drink, but it also comes with many handy features and is incredibly fun to use. An attachable hook that wraps around the lid makes it so that you can simply hang your drink from any nearby hook or hanger, an insulated inner layer keeps your drink at the proper temperature, and its malleable shape makes for an incredibly fun fidget toy, if you’re creative enough. This mug cannot shatter, and no matter how many times you drop it, throw it, knock it over, etcetera, you’ll still have all of your drink safely contained inside. As long as there’s a floor to sit on or walls to hang on, you’ll always have a place for this mug, and its squishy texture and innovative insulation prevent burns, cuts, and bruises. Best of all, its decorative outer layer is thick, soft, and made of such a material that it’ll take much more than an accident to puncture it--and that doesn’t even include the additional insulated layer inside."

Everyday Object Design: Squishy Mug

Everyday Object Design: Squishy Mug



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