Profil von Travis Beck

Taggini - Brand Identity & UI Design

A Living Breathing QR
Taggini - Brand Identity & UI Design

Taggini is a startup company producing a SaaS product designed to help companies improve and simplify their project and employee management. Initially focused on construction, Taggini was built to address concerns of identification, licensing, and safety for employees as well as offering easy file, contact, and info sharing on site and off. With the growing adoption of QR technology in day to day life, Taggini saw an opportunity to provide solutions to endless email chains, lost files, forgotten ID cards, and projects gone awry.

Each Tag provides a fully customizable dashboard for you to add and remove information at your leisure, from the comfort of your computer or on-the-go with your tablet or phone. Key information like files, contacts, and links are stored in a database and always accessible and reusable across multiple tags as necessary. Once a tag is created, a unique QR is created to link to your customizable page and freely available to be sent, printed, or applied however you like.

As the product was developed, it became clear how versatile it was and the specificity towards construction became less important. Additional customizable modules have been developed to expand functionality, and many more are in the works to continue providing a product that lives and breathes just like the QRs it provides.


Taggini - Brand Identity & UI Design


Taggini - Brand Identity & UI Design
