I'm upset
My journal on emotional eating
This is a clear depiction of what happens to me when I'm upset. I eat. And most times, more than my stomach can take. April is Emotional Overeating Awareness Month and here is my contribution..

Emotional eating develops when food becomes more about satisfying a physical hunger (Smith, 2023). When food is used to improve your mood in moments of boredom, stress, anxiety, and depression.
Comparison between physical and emotional hunger. An infographic I put together for my blog.
For me, this toxic relationship with food started as an innocent incentive to keep working hard in school. Looking forward to that post-school takeout made me hate my life less. No matter the horrible day I had, i could look forward to the happy meal pick-me-up. But did it make me happy? Yes, momentarily. But there was no further investigation of my feelings.  
Breaking habits is all about consistency and patience. For those who are struggling with their relationship with food, you're not alone. There are different ways you can help yourself that could work for you. You're not on this journey on your own.
I'm upset


I'm upset
