Entangled thoughts 
When most people think of "health" they connote it with physical health. But what about other forms of health? Emotional health? Mental health? Sexual health? To be a "well" functioning human being all those forms of health need to be nurtured. Not just the physical alone. And what sucks the most is that support structures which help with all the other forms of health are inaccessible (referring to the South African space). 
My mental health journey has been riddled with inconsistencies, lack of support and finances. This hasn't made it easy to be the "well" functioning member of society I would like to be. But, I've accepted - healing is not linear. Whatever small step I take towards healing, is better than not moving at all. For this year's world health day, I challenged myself to reflect on what health means to me. Am I taking the steps necessary to be healthy?
Entangled thoughts


Entangled thoughts
