Marika Tångstedt 님의 프로필

PAH – Diseases Awareness

PAH (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) is a heart and lung disease which can strike anyone at any time of life. With symptoms including tiredness, shortness of breath and nausea, it resembles other more common diseases like asthma and COPD, which means it can take a while to conclude the correct diagnosis. Without treatment, the median survival time for PAH patients is just under three years. 

Continuously working to spread awareness and knowledge about the disease PAH.
Graphics manual
Development of a style guide, to make sure that multiple contributors create in a clear and cohesive way that reflects the corporate style and ensures brand consistency with everything from design to writing. 

Website is a site which is completely dedicated to PAH: how the disease is detected, how it feels and how it is treated. The site is full of accounts from patients, films and everything worth knowing about PAH. The PAH forum is aimed at people suffering from PAH and their relatives, and people who have not yet been diagnosed. The aim is to ensure that more people are diagnosed earlier. Listen to stories from patients, get answers to frequently asked questions and pick up advice and support for people living with the disease.

Patient brochure on exercise and training
Training and exercise are an important part of the treatment. This brochure, produced in association with a physiotherapist, contains information, advice and exercises for people living with PAH. 

Direct mail to the healthcare sector
To raise awareness of the disease, a direct mailing has been sent to doctors who encounter patients with symptoms that could indicate PAH.  

Postcard to the healthcare sector
On the postcards are quotations from patient interviews describing experiences and symptoms. Turn over the postcard and find out what disease it is.

PAH is a rare disease unknown to many doctors. An early diagnosis is crucial for patients to survive. This presentation aims to increase knowledge about the disease and how it is investigated, so that more people with PAH can get care.

examination brochure
A brochure for doctors to guide them through a PAH examination, i.e. what tests to use and what to include in the PAH referral. 

PAH – Diseases Awareness

PAH – Diseases Awareness
