For GRC 347, also known as Packaging Graphics Technology and Design, I spent the quarter developing a line of food product packaging. I started off with a brand name, and moved from there into creating logos along with a creative brief to guide my designs. Below are a few logo iterations.
Once I settled on a logo design, I wrote a creative brief detailing the target market, the different products, and the brand voice. This document guided my creative process the entire quarter, allowing me to successfully create the fictitious brand "Healthi Snax."
After developing my brand and potential line of products, I conducted research on potential materials and color schemes for the product, specifically the line of chips. I eventually settled on using a multi-layered single use plastic bag, similar to what most potato chips brands use for their products. I then created the first iteration of my chip packaging design.
After getting some feedback from my peers, I decided to add some more white space and get rid of the outlines on the products. This made all of the product lines look cleaner and more professional.
In the final phase of this quarter long project, I created realistic looking mockups in Adobe Dimension. This was my first time using Adobe Dimension, and I definitely got a "learn by doing" tutorial in how to use this program. If I were to do anything differently, I would change the lighting and reflectivity of the packaging materials to make it appear more lifelike as it would in a store instead of emulating professional product photography.
Healthi Snax Project


Healthi Snax Project
