Cairn promotes exploration as a user content-generated app for smart phone devices. Users have the ability to view and store hiking trails in their area leading them to discover and share unique trail features called cairns.
This app is great for avid hikers as it provides information on sights and resources along trails, allowing for data storage in the case of limited phone service. It's also fun for families, friends and even couples who might like to find a nice place for lunch, check out sights such as waterfalls or enjoy a day hike.
Cairn includes useful functions like trail summaries, ratings, lengths and distances as well as navigation tools to orient and guide you. There are also weather and daylight alerts such as on-coming rain or sunset. Additional features include secure emergency signal broadcasting, flashlight, live compass and more.
This app is also designed to minimize battery usage by utilizing a primarily grey interface while providing simple intuitive navigation.
Image of stones credited to: Sylvain Naudin
Stack your own cairn to share a discovery with other app users. Publish your photos and descriptions via social media
Choose to display specific cairn zone categories and explore cairns that other users have stacked
One of the boards used for determining design direction
Brainstorming concept, functionality and design was a large part of the process
T H A N K S   F O R   L O O K I N G !
Cairn Hiking App

Cairn Hiking App

Cairn promotes exploration as a user content-generated app for smart phone devices. Users have the ability to view and store hiking trails in the Read More
