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Endocrine disruptor symptoms

Endocrine disruptor symptoms


A class of chemical substances known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been demonstrated to interfere with hormones' ability to operate normally in the body. These substances are present in a wide range of goods, including pesticides and plastics. EDCs are also present in our homes and in the food we eat.

Your body's functions, including metabolism, energy generation, and sexuality, are governed by the endocrine system. It also aids in maintaining emotional and behavioral control. These hormones serve as signals for your immune system, brain, and other bodily systems.

Numerous endocrine disrupting substances can result in infertility and menstruation irregularities, among other reproductive issues. They may also have an impact on your pituitary and thyroid glands. Even cancer and other diseases can be brought on by them. Endocrine disruptors can cause a wide range of symptoms, explained Dr. Adarsh Jha. It's crucial to call your doctor as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.

Subfertility, infertility, inappropriate hormone production, estrogen and progesterone deficiency, anomalies in the estrous cycle, anovulation, and early pregnancy loss are among the reproductive problems brought on by endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors are thought to also raise the risk of breast and testicular cancer.

Urine from women with endometriosis frequently contains significant concentrations of endocrine disruptors, particularly organophosphates and pyrethroid insecticides. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, this study examined the relationship between pesticide exposure and the diagnosis of endometriosis in 619 reproductive-age women in Utah and California.

The researchers also looked at whether mothers of children with intersex variations, like ambiguous genitalia and pseudohermaphroditism, also had higher amounts of endocrine disruptors in their bodies. In blood serum, urine, and whole blood samples, this study assessed the levels of persistent pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and phthalates.

According to several studies, breast cancer risk is higher for women who are exposed to a combination of endocrine disrupting substances at high concentrations. This is largely because these toxicants react strongly with estrogenic substances that have considerable hormonal activity.
Endocrine disruptor symptoms

Endocrine disruptor symptoms


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