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4 Beneficial Dressage Exercises

4 Beneficial Dressage Exercises

Dressage aims to create a willing supple horse that moves rhythmically with impulsion. Not only will he produce a harmonious performance, but he will also physically benefit from correct training.
Here are four excellent Dressage Exercises to help achieve relaxation, rhythm, suppleness and impulsion in your equine partner.
The leg yield accomplishes several goals. While supplying and loosening the horse, it also teaches him obedience to the rider’s leg, asking him to move laterally and engage his hind end.
His neck and body should be straight, with his poll flexed slightly away from the direction of movement. His inside legs cross in front of the outside ones as he moves forwards and sideways. (‘Inside’ is the same side as his poll flexion.)
The rider places more weight on the inside seat bone, and drives the quarters sideways with the inside leg slightly behind the girth. The outside leg and rein prevent any rushing and falling out on the outside shoulder.
Lengthening and Shortening of Stride
Lengthening and shortening the horse’s stride is an ideal way to create impulsion and develop contact. The horse builds his back muscles as he engages his hind end and pushes from behind, rather than pulling himself forwards on the forehand. In the process, he learns to accept the bit instead of leaning on it.
Begin in trot. Develop a working trot, with the horse’s hind hooves landing on the imprints of his front feet. Once this active gait has been established, increase the forward driving aids with your seat and legs to ask the horse to lengthen his stride. Maintain a firm connection on the reins to support him.
The rein-back tests suppleness and obedience. It is also advantageous for lifting a horse that leans on the hand by increasing the weight on his hind legs and refocusing a horse that ignores his rider’s aids.
His legs move back in diagonal pairs horses trot on a straight line. In a dressage test, Judges will ask the horse to go forwards immediately afterwards, so it’s important not to train him to halt after every rein-back.
Stand him square before you start. Bring your upper body a fraction forwards to lighten your seat. Apply leg pressure behind the girth to ask the horse to take steps while your hands restrain his forward movement.
Simple Change of Lead
In this movement, the horse transitions from canter to walk then strikes off in canter on the other lead. It’s called a ‘simple’ change of lead to differentiate it from a ‘flying’ change and tests the horse’s willingness to obey the rider’s aids in a relaxed, supple manner.
Begin by riding transitions from canter to several strides of trot, then back to canter on the other lead in a straight line. When the horse has learned to do this smoothly, introduce the simple change of lead through the walk.
Use half-halts on the outside rein at the canter while driving the horse forwards with your seat and legs to raise his shoulders and lighten his forehand. The horse will carry more weight on his hind end, allowing for a soft transition into a walk.
He will need to take quite a few walk steps initially, but the goal is to transition into the new canter after only one or two. Ask for a few active and even strides while you’re getting ready to apply the aids for the other lead. Flex your horse to the new side, then ask for a canter.

4 Beneficial Dressage Exercises

4 Beneficial Dressage Exercises


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