Perfil de Memory Night07

Let's Play With Type #2: Shape-Shifting

Let's Play with Type #2: Shape-Shifting 
The issue I wanted to focus on for this project was food waste, mainly as it is associated with the conservation of resources, the environment itself and climate change. 

While researching this topic, I got to see the ways people are taking into consideration on how they want to reduce food waste. Much of food waste that is produced is due to the consumer behavior. People sometimes don't properly plan on how much food they really need and just lack of appropriate planning. 
In my mind, I first thought of either doing something bold that displayed the dark side of food waste or maybe a calming sort of action that showcased peacefulness. For the font, I initially thought of putting leaves and some nature within the letters sticking out to signified its connection with nature in general, as well as, how certain food waste can help in making soil and the usage of compost. 

Even though I had some good ideas, I decided to go for the font mulane black personal, alongside using a images of food scraps clipped together. Also I cutted out some images of fruit and vegetables to make it the border of the poster. I didn't really do much shaping for the font unfortunately, but I did do some shifting with the letters to make them droop down a bit to mimic how food waste gets throw out or poured into the trash. The route I took was more of a friendly kind of message since the audience I wanted to communicate with was young adults ages 18-34 because this particular group has a tendency to waste food more. 
Here is the final product!
Let's Play With Type #2: Shape-Shifting

Let's Play With Type #2: Shape-Shifting


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