Profil użytkownika „Adriana Ross”

Let's Play with Type #2: Shape-Shifting

I chose to do my project on climate change. This is a topic I am fairly familiar with, but still,, I did more research to get a better understanding and find inspiration for my poster.

On the Environmental Defense Fund website I was able to gather a lot of information. Climate change affects everyone, from humans to wildlife. It can lead to natural disaster that can destroy homes of both people and animals and it can also make living conditions poor.

Something I was unaware of is that Methane is another greenhouse gas besides carbon dioxide that actually accounts for 25% of global warming. It causes warming very rapidly, but this also means it can reverse it quickly too. Methane is produced by more short-term power and human activity which means it something we should all focus on to reduce. And this is generally newer research because noise of the time when people think global warming, they think of carbon dioxide. In reality, we don’t have as great of an effect individually on CO2 as we do with methane.

People can help by reducing their energy use and limiting waste such as food waste, but the most effective thing we can do is fix oil and gas leaks.

I have decided that my campaign headline will “Up to you”. I chose this because based off of my research, there are small things everyone should be doing to help reduce methane which in turn will improve global warming. If everyone does their part, we can make a significant change. Therefore, it is up to us to protect our planet, it is in our hands.

The photo I am using is of someone holding the earth because I think it really illustrates how the future of our planet is up to us. For the text, I am using a bold sans-serif font because it’s very intense and assertive. Inside of the letters I have inputted contrasting images of the environment to show the two different ways we can choose to treat our planet.

The target audience of my poster is anyone and everyone because climate change affects all and the best way we can solve this problem is by getting every single person on board.

Here is my final poster:
Let's Play with Type #2: Shape-Shifting

Let's Play with Type #2: Shape-Shifting

