Thomas Grundner's profileGeraldine Gölöncsér's profile


The aim of this project ist to provide the highest quality of life for the inhabitants of a dense urban area. The site is in Berlin, at the "Hallesches Ufer". We applied the elements nature and water to the site and let them come together in a small shopping street. Both the park and the lake can be used by the inhabitants in their freetime.
Two posters were needed for participating in the competition. Both focusing on different topics. The one above shows the new building development on the plot with a general description and architectural drawings which describe the different building types in the area. The other poster shows the landscape design on the plot with focusing on the park, the lake and the outdoor furniture used.


The aim of this project is to bring the highest quality of life to a very dense urban area. Therefor we included a public park and a publicly acc Read More
