Lauren Myers's profile

Senior Project: Jabberwocky

For senior year we have what is called a "Senior Project", a thesis, per say.
We were allowed to choose anything we wanted to do so long as it corellated with our graphic design program.
I chose to do a graphic novel based off the famous nonsense-poem, Jabberwocky.
Based the Jabberwocky design off of an angler fish.
Complications we (Teacher and I) began to predict circled around the fact that this poem is short, and normally a comic has a lot more length than just a few pages.
I came up with a solution by expanding certain parts of the poem, such as the climax, in four or so pages to extend the page-count. As well as that, I decided half of the pages would be bordered pages with the poem itself so the text wouldn't overlap on any of the imagery and it would remain editable.
With being a bit more experienced in comic-making already, I knew I would really have to experiment with style as well as more traditional mediums considering I do most of my work digital.
I included several double-page spreads to prolonge the story and create a better and more dynamic climax.
Composition-wise, I wanted to avoid actual 'panels' and instead tried to come up with a way to flow the composition from one image to the next keeping it all unified in the process.
All together, the book is 24 pages (divisible by 4 for binding purposes) I'm in the process of printing a hardcover 6x9 copy.
When all was said and done, I took the book to and ordered a hardcover 6x9 copy for presentation.
Senior Project: Jabberwocky

Senior Project: Jabberwocky

2014 (C) Lauren Myers
