Poster 18x24in
Poster 18x24in
Poster 18x24in
Poster 18x24in
Poster 18x24in
Poster 18x24in
4x6in Postcard [Front Deisgn]
4x6in Postcard [Back Design]
Spettacolo Bizzarro is a brand I created for an invented freak show. It means " Bizarre Spectacle." Every poster, ticket, and post card has original hand painted characters that were manipulated using Adobe Creative Suite. My goal was to bring the beauty of vintage style posters back with a modern twist. I love the movie "Freaks" from 1932, so that was a big inspiration for this body of work. The characters are actual individuals you would see in a freak show. I wanted to incorporate strong typography and strong illustrations to show the balance between art and design. To me, they go hand-in-hand to communicate to an audience better. I wanted to catch people's eye and make them believe they are really at a sideshow at the circus or fair. I hope to continue creating innovative work that will shock people viewing it. 
Spettacolo Bizzarro

Spettacolo Bizzarro

This project was my senior thesis for my BFA in Graphic Design. My theme was a modern version of a vintage freakshow. All with original drawings Read More
