Astronomy Compound and Observatory
Project Description

Location: Mushrif Park, Khawaneej, Dubai

Functionality: Observatory, Planetarium, Library, Exhibitions

Project Size: 15,000 sqm
Generations ago stars helped travelers find their way. Astronomy is a science that was pursued and taught long before NASA, especially in the Middle East. It was first studied heavily by the ancient Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Persians. Yet it is a science that witnessed a decline in our Islamic and Arab cities. Therefore, it is important to revitalize this field and endorse it in this region to allow great opportunities for the youth in the future. 

Before all the technology and smart telescopes we had nothing but our eyes on the sky. We have long turned to the heavens for answers about the universe and ourselves. Cities evolved, wars ensued, and diseases plagued communities, but the stars remained constant. The practice of stargazing emerged from the need to find our place in the universe (literally). 

Today's cities have made the practice of stargazing and celestial navigation decline due to the increase in light pollution caused from densely populated cities and the implementation of artificial lighting. The vision behind Meteorite is to create an interactive space that brings the community back to the universe through the sky. 

The location of the project in Mushrif Park, was the perfect location to tell the story of the stars. Being the oldest park in the UAE, it has provided a safe habitat for many plant and animal species, which was interesting because the park acted like a buffer zone for Khawaneej area. The park was seemingly untouched by the city around it, which supported the initiative behind the project. Most importantly, the site location also coincides with an existing observatory on site. Al Thuraya Astronomy Center, part of Dubai Municipality is the first public observatory in Dubai. However, there hasn't been much engagement with the observatory. Therefore, the goal for this proposal was to curate the project around the observatory, creating a journey that provides entertainment, knowledge, and an experience centered around astrotourism.

Video presentation on Theme
Site Visit photos
Star chart of the night sky
Architectural Drawings
Some Interior views
Some Exterior views
To find out more swipe through!



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