Şanlıurfa Encounters
Şanlıurfa is one of the historical cities of Turkey with a history dating back to before Christ. Şanlıurfa Encounters, consisting of a total of 10 photographs, deals with the human lives in this city. The photographs aim to tell the lives of the people in the slow-paced streets, old bazaars, and historical villages of Şanlıurfa and to provide clues to the viewer about the socio-economic status of these people. The starting point of my project is to show the audience how people lived in this very old and historically important city and to make them think about how people in this city are holding on to life in the face of rapidly advancing technology and modernism. Based on this purpose, the photographs were taken in Şanlıurfa city center and the surrounding villages within a total of 5 days.
Individual Photographs
Door Series
This work has been selected to exhibit at the 10th Dali International Photography Exhibition 2023 by the 10th DIPE Academic committee. The exhibition took place in the city of Dali, China between 8/31 - 9/05 with numerous attendees worldwide.
Thank you!
Şanlıurfa Encounters


Şanlıurfa Encounters



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