The Sandbox
Play it your way.
by Hannah Cha, Patricia Setiawan, Joshua Tan

Welcome to The Sandbox - a playground that can be experienced in a new way with each play. Aiming to create a unique and dynamic play experience that allows children, young adults, and families to explore and unleash the full potential of their imagination and creativity, The Sandbox explores the themes of customisability and innovation.
An Overview of The Sandbox 
Choosing to redesign West Coast Park Playground, my team and I noticed the layout of the playground had multiple play areas, and decided to retain this element of multiple playgrounds in one space to evoke intrigue and the desire to explore.


Taking on the more traditional type of customisability in play is BlockYard. Inspired by toy blocks and the nearby Pasir Panjang Dock Yard, this playground plays with the idea of stacking and allows for an explorative and perceptive play experience.
Create new environments by exploring the different ways to stack and build the blocks.


With its distinctive organic form and intriguing textures, users get to enjoy a more freeform and imaginative play experience as Sandscape facilitates creative sand play through its embedded platforms, slides, and interactive textured surfaces.
Small, brightly coloured rollables with patterned indentations allow users to make imprints in the sand.
A closeup of the white structures: fixed to the ground and boasting uniquely textured surfaces, users can climb, slide, or 
pour sand on the grooves to explore the different ways sand can interact with their environment. 


Inspired by the form of sea waves, SeaWeave encourages users to discover different ways they can interact and play with the vast blue crochet nets however they please - be it swing, climb, bounce, and jump, or even just stretch out and take a little break.

Under the guidance of Professor Grace Tan
Design Platform: Play____ 
Division of Industrial Design l National University of Singapore

The Sandbox

The Sandbox
