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Semela wine | label and packaging design

I designed a minimalistic modern wine label with maenads, the image of which I created after the study about their appearance and looking through different art masterpieces that were drawn by different artists. Maenads were female followers of Dionysus, who is equivalent to the Roman god of Bacchus, was representative of wine and madness. 

Their hair style was loose and free flowing in the world. This symbolized the care-free mentality that maenads were described to have had. They crowned their heads with ivy wreaths or bryonies and their garments usually included fawn or leopard skin. Due to the combination intoxication and wild dancing, maenads are often depicted in state of frenzied ecstasy, that worshipped the Greek god of wine. The rites were accompanied by the sounds of drums and the aulos flute.

The name of the wine - Semela, I took from the name of the mother of Dionysus - Semele.
Semela wine | label and packaging design
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Semela wine | label and packaging design

I designed a minimalistic, unique and modern wine label inspired by the Greek mythology

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