Novopecherskie Lipki Penthouse | 23

visualization yn.viz 
design: Olha Akulova Design
location | Kyiv, Ukraine 
Text description provided by the architects. Completely new 30th level house,  in the condominium «Novopecherskie Lipki», has a few Penthouses about 150m2-250m2 each. One of them became an investment property for my client. Young man who used to live in Spain and lives partly in Latvia, has got an idea to create this space as a perfect area for himself and for party time with his few friends.

In the communal space, a monolithic white rectangle separates the living room and wardrobe area, and contains an open wooden fireplace and a hidden television.
Detached concrete ceiling and the glass wall - windows, were from the very beginning of the Project brief. Another key aspect of the brief was to build an interior without client control, as he had not much time. The client asked me to organize an open space area with natural materials and a “Smart House” system, which can control the temperature, security  system, lighting and television.
Natural materials with oak/elm-tree structure were used on the walls and kitchen island. Minacciolo / Natural Skin Kitchen was agreed with the first steps of the Project. For the island top we used sheet metal matching the colour to the concrete ceiling and framework columns. The interior was developed with huge windows, which provided amazing views of the City, Dnieper River and Sky.
The enormous sheet slide glass and wooden doors in the bedroom were maneuvered through an opening to connect bedroom the to the guest-room. The drapery “Designers Guild” with a “Black Out” function, along the sliding glass door, shuts sun light from outside is controlled by the “Smart House” system program on  IPad. 
Offset from the bedroom is a reading space, which can again be accessed via sliding glass doors. Floor-to-ceiling windows in this space offer panoramic views of the city and Dnieper River.
Thank you for your time.
Lipki Penthouse | 23

Lipki Penthouse | 23
