Naimish Dervaniya's profile

Email Marketing | Beauty Email Design

Visuel Beauty Expert:
VISUEL.RO is an online store that provides you with professional beauty products intended especially for professionals working in the beauty field (hairdressing, barber, barber, cosmetics, massage, makeup, manicure, pedicure, etc.) but also for the general public to take care of themselves with professional products in the comfort of their own home.
My Role:
As a designer, I have to develop branding and marketing collaterals for Visuel Beauty store, and through them, highlight the uniqueness and authenticity.
The Challenge:
The beauty product market is saturated, making it difficult to generate interest and sales.

The Solution:
Create an email newsletter/sale design that showcases the unique features of the beauty products, highlights positive customer reviews or endorsements, and offers a special promotion or discount to encourage customers to give the product a try.

The email newsletter design can use eye-catching images and clear headings to draw the user's attention to the product, while also providing relevant information about its features and benefits. Including positive customer reviews or endorsements can help build trust and credibility with potential customers, who may be hesitant to try a new product without hearing from others who have already purchased it.

To further incentivize customers to make a purchase, the email newsletter design can offer a special promotion or discount code that is exclusive to newsletter subscribers. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to take action before the offer expires. By addressing the challenge of generating interest and sales for a new product with a well-designed email newsletter, businesses can increase their chances of success and establish a loyal customer base.

User Flow:

1. User receives the email newsletter in their inbox.
2. User sees an eye-catching subject line that entices them to open the email.
3. User opens the email and is immediately drawn to a high-quality image of the products.
4. User sees the name and description of the products, as well as any special features that make them unique.
5. User is directed to a call-to-action button that takes them to the product page on the website.
6. User has the option to browse other products or continue shopping on the website.
7. User may also choose to share the newsletter with friends or family via social media or email.
8. User may receive follow-up emails promoting similar products or offering discounts to encourage them to make a purchase.

Overall, the goal of the user-flow is to grab the user's attention, provide them with relevant information about the products, and direct them to the website to make a purchase. By keeping the design simple and easy to navigate, users are more likely to engage with the content and take action

Point to Note:

1. Showcase the product: The main focus of the newsletter should be the products themselves. Include high-quality images from different angles and in various colors (if applicable) to help customers get a good sense of the product.

2. Highlight special features: If the product has any unique features, such as being smudge proof​​​​​​​ or waterproof, make sure to highlight these in the email. This can help set the product apart from others on the market and make it more appealing to potential customers.

3. Use a clear call-to-action: The ultimate goal of the email is to encourage customers to make a purchase, so make sure to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs them to the product page on your website. This could be a button or a hyperlink, but it should be prominently displayed and easy to find.

4. Keep the design clean and simple: While it's important to make the newsletter visually appealing, you don't want to overwhelm customers with too much information or a cluttered design. Stick to a simple layout with clear headings, plenty of white space, and a consistent color scheme.

5. Personalize the content:
To make the email feel more relevant to individual customers, consider personalizing the content based on their past purchases or browsing history. This could involve including product recommendations based on their interests or highlighting a sale on a similar product they may be interested in.

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Email Marketing | Beauty Email Design


Email Marketing | Beauty Email Design


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