Henkilön Mateusz Wójcicki profiiliHenkilön Aleyna Işık profiili

Canaletto Art - Brand Identity Design

Canaletto Art - Painting School Brand Identity Design
The Mission: 
Canaletto Art is a school of painting and drawing with a branch in Poland in the city of Lublin. The aim of the project was to design a logo and brand identity for the school.

The Brief:
The name of the school was given in honor of the Italian painter Canaletto because his paintings are particularly important to Polish society because on their basis after World War II, Poles rebuilt the old town in Warsaw to a large extent, as they were the only documents that perfectly reflect the proportions of the buildings.

Brand Identity Design
Brand Strategy
Research on Target Audience
The Outcome:
After getting acquainted with the history of the name of the school and conducting research among the target audience, I came to the conclusion that although the name of the school is based on Canaletto, it is much easier for a standard client to associate painting and drawing with Leonardo Da Vinci, so after making many sketches I decided to model myself not on the artist himself, but on an important work by Leonardo, which is the Vitruvian Man focusing on the perfect proportions of a human because it also refers to the proportions of buildings rendered by Canaletto in his paintings and perfection in painting.
The Impact:
After launching the new identity, over 500 people visited the website and the company acquired more than 30 new customers in the first month and its logo also hung on a banner in the school's newly opened art gallery in the shopping mall.​​​​​​​
The Process:
Mood Board
I found out that the only option to follow the expectations of the clients from the art school and still show the identity of the Canaletto Art school is to combine my two ideas of an important Leonardo's drawing and the name of Canaletto Art, so the challenge is to create a simple and clean composition from these two important parts.
After many attempts to combine my few ideas into one coherent idea, the logo looks clean and represents both the design and the painting and the name of the school. The clients were very pleased with the results.
Business Card
The Big Success
After designing the visual identity of the company and after the passage of time, the company grew by opening an art gallery in the Olimp shopping center in Lublin, where the logo designed by me was also used and this is where this positive story and our journey through the creative process ends.
To be continued...
Canaletto Art - Brand Identity Design

Canaletto Art - Brand Identity Design
