Profil Patchaya Proud Khomna

Illustration of Arne - God of War

Who’s the Hero in War?
The powers of fiction films are portraying the reflection of reality.

However, most fictions were not completely abstracted from one particular person but were diverse. The content of the scriptwriter’s assumptions could be very convincing to the audience and create lost ground for them. The content of a fiction movie could have a logical morality with the power of the visual medium, which offered a wider vision for the audience in understanding right and wrong (Neal King 1999). The movie creators are the craftsmen for the audience to fantasize about what sin is, what is morality, and why we need to hate the villain. A fictional film about an anti-hero could only be satisfied when the hero character was presented to destroy the evil.

The comparison had become clear between the 20th and 21st century villains. Minorities are frequently portrayed as villains in 20th century films. The difference is the enemy, which leads back to an argument on propaganda films. As Edward Said stated, "The West had built assumptions of the Orient as an opposition to what they are; these assumptions are the danger that developed into a war." Edward had also helped intellectuals explore the opposites and uncover the cause of the difference. (Debjani G. & Ned C. 2007)
In most war films, the protagonist is the soldier who gave up his or her freedom to serve the country. (i.e., The Winter Soldier 1972, Top Gun 1986, Act of Valor 2012, and American Sniper 2014) These films were released at the perfect time to support political agendas.

The Winter Soldier was a documentary about soldiers in the Vietnam War from 1962–1975. Top Gun was made to influence young boys into joining the Navy through the misrepresentation of beautiful female instructors and riding motorcycles into the sunset. However, when reflecting back on the majority of the war film, it is always constructed and concluded as an anti-war message. In the current film landscape, glorifying the hero is only acceptable in a fictional universe. Where there is no argument between which races play the protagonist or which gender is portrayed as the villain.

The main point of making a film is to create the art of storytelling, and as someone who loves film more than life itself, I'm hoping that there will be a shift in this landscape. Peace out!


Today I’d like to share my visual design which include character design, digital painting and motion graphic. 😋

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Visit Zelophilia for more Visual Art. Have a nice day ✌️


Services we provide:

• Visual Art
• Visualization Design
• Conceptual Art
• Character Design
• Digital painting
• Motion graphic
• 2D animation


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Illustration of Arne - God of War


Illustration of Arne - God of War
