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Hormones determine the health, beauty of a woman

Hormones are a fascinating and complex topic when it comes to women's health. These chemical messengers play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including health, mood, appearance, sleep, appetite, willpower, and even intelligence. However, the complexity of hormones is not just limited to their effects on the body; it also pertains to their perplexity and burstiness.

The 7 main hormones in women, namely estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, thyroxine, norepinephrine, insulin, and somatotropin, each have their unique functions and corresponding symptoms that can arise from excess or deficiency. Estrogen, the hormone of femininity and beauty, is perhaps the most well-known female sex hormone. It is produced in the ovaries and creates a woman, giving her typical feminine features in both her figure and character. Its deficiency can result in the breakdown of collagen fibers, leading to wrinkles, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, and an increased risk of bone loss and fractures, atherosclerosis, and uterine fibroids.

On the other hand, an excess of estrogen can lead to fullness in the thighs and abdomen. Meanwhile, testosterone, the hormone of strength and sexuality, plays a crucial role in sexual desire and persistence. A lack of testosterone only affects sexual desire, causing women to lose their passionate tigress persona and gradually become weak-willed. An excess of testosterone in women leads to muscle strengthening, quick-tempered and aggressive behavior, rougher and oilier skin, and acne-like rashes.

Oxytocin, the care hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands and enters the bloodstream in large quantities after childbirth, creating a desire to protect and care for the newborn. This hormone can also cause women to react to stress with a release of oxytocin, resulting in caring for others, such as husbands, children, homeless kittens, and old lonely neighbors. A lack of oxytocin can lead to constant irritability and depression.
Thyroxine, the hormone of figure and mind, is synthesized in the thyroid gland and regulates the rate of metabolism and thinking. A normal amount of thyroxine contributes to the harmony of the body, smoothness of the skin, and graceful movements. However, a deficiency of this hormone can lead to obesity, lethargy and drowsiness, poor memory, and a lack of concentration. Its excess can lead to weight loss to abnormal levels, resembling a man both physically and in behavior, frequent heartbeats, sleep problems, constant anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

Norepinephrine, the hormone of courage and rage, is not constantly present in the body, but is produced only during times of stress. It dilates blood vessels, causing blood to rush to the head, helping with thinking, smoothing wrinkles, and making eyes shine. This hormone helps a person to courageously meet adversity, solve problems successfully, look beautiful, and sleep soundly at night.

Insulin, the hormone of the sweet life, "comes" from the pancreas and "monitors" the level of glucose in the blood, breaking down all carbohydrates and directing glucose to the tissues. However, when more carbohydrates enter the body than insulin can process, excess glucose negatively affects cells and blood vessels, leading to the development of diabetes mellitus, especially if a relative has had this disease.

Lastly, somatotropin, a hormone of strength and growth, is produced in the pituitary gland, located in the brain. It is responsible for increasing muscle mass and burning fat, as well as providing elasticity to ligaments. Excess somatotropin during childhood and adolescence contributes to rapid growth, while in adults, it can increase the size of the nose, chin, and finger
Hormones determine the health, beauty of a woman

Hormones determine the health, beauty of a woman


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