Profil Olesya Bakulina


food of the future
According to scientists' forecasts, by 2050 the population of our planet will grow to 9.6 billion, which will lead to a decrease  in human consumption of resources, including food. 
The preservation of the production of natural food, reasonable consumption, a return to the cultivation of crops resistant to climate changes, concern for the environment are becoming the main ones in modern science. 
Many large companies are already using new technologies and alternative products on the market, which will completely change the food sector in the future.  

In this project, I propose to imagine how our diet will change in a few decades.
Protein from insects
One of the alternative sources of protein, environmentally friendly, healthy and extremely nutritious — insects. Protein from insects is called almost the most promising as food of the future.
Vegetable and laboratory meat 
Innovations in the field of meat substitutes are a way to reduce humanity's need for raising and slaughtering livestock. 
Switching to meat analogues can lead to a reduction in water consumption, methane emissions and deforestation. 
Unlike plant-based meat (soy, legume protein and vegetables), which has already become popular all over the world, cultured meat is an alternative to conventional meat obtained from animal stem cells.
Food from the printer 
Initially, the development of 3D food printing technology was carried out for the space field.  
It is assumed that in the foreseeable future such installations will appear in our homes.
Pills instead of food 
Food production technologies in the future will reach such a level that almost all analogues can be bought in tablets: meat, fish, salad of fresh vegetables, fruits. 
The food tablets will taste absolutely identical and will saturate like a regular meal today.
Alternative milk is already being used today and its popularity is only growing.  
The product is made on the basis of nuts (coconut, almonds, cashews) or cereals (oat, buckwheat, soy, rice).​​​​​
Thank you for your attention to my project



This is my personal project. I was inspired by the information that the human diet is constantly changing. Thanks to the rapid development of tec Další informace
