Take a walk into the sound! See the unseeable and rumble through the noise...


The goal was visualizing the invisible - sound, that is creating an audiovisual experience rather
than a ordinary cinema. The first step was chosing the right site. The most suitable was
Šafárikovo námestie because of its great variety of sounds. The half of the square is Extremely
loud whilst the opposite is quiet. You can hear here all the possible sounds of a city:
the cars, loud turning trams, chatting people, roaring buses, splashing fountain, foliage of the
The next step was mapping the site. Lines of 1 minute long voices were recorded and later
organized and pixelized to have a full visualization of the place. The size of the balls in the
metaball surface depends on how close/far they are from loud noises, thus creating a sound
barrier because these sides are more membered and thus consume the noise. This way the
loud half of the square is silenced and the quiet one is opened.

In grasshopper a program was written to create parametric rosettes that are facing a specific
noise wich determins their geometry too. The rosettes on the loud side are flad, this way
they let in only the sound they are facing and the rest is consumed by the facade., While on
the quiet side the rosettes are rod shaped so they let in the sounds from the quiet relaxing
park. later on the free space between the rosettes on the metaball surface was bent creating
a flowthrough between them.

In the final phase the facade of the model was adjusted to fully close the noisy side, so it
was further more dissorted and more membered to consume noise, while the silent side
stayed scattered and fluent.

The result is a space crafted by sounds, a cinema avoiding its common function and ment for
enjoying the simple acustic and visual phenomenons.
the model inserted in the site.
bird’s-eye view
inner view
inner view
inner view


INTO THE SOUND Take a walk into the sound! See the unseeable and rumble through the noise...
