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The Korean War: An Unfinished War

The Korean War: An Unfinished War is a timeline that chronicles the events of the Korean War. My inspiration behind this project was my grandfather, who lived through the war as a 9-year-old and shared his experiences about coming down from North Korea. I felt compelled to document his memories and create a visual representation of the war to educate future generations including myself. The bullets coming out of the gun symbolize the passage of time and the constant fighting that occurred during the war. The bomb effects in the background add a cinematic element, evoking the feeling of watching a war movie. The timeline is divided into several maps, each displaying major events along with actual photography taken during that time to effectively give a visual representation of the war's progress.
I made a graph which is a comparative visual representation of the number of people killed during the war versus the number of soldiers who fought to help the Republic of Korea in each country involved in the conflict. The graph utilizes the height of buildings to represent how many people were damaged by the war. This graph provides a powerful illustration of the devastation caused by the Korean War and highlights the significant loss of life suffered by the people involved. I used the height of the building as a visual representation, the graph allows us to see the scale of the human cost of the war, making it easier to comprehend and appreciate the magnitude of the conflict.
The visual concept of the ticket and nametag represents the division of the Korean peninsula that resulted from the Korean War. The ticket and nametag serve as symbols of a divided country, with torn or separated parts representing the physical separation of families and loved ones. The act of tearing the ticket or name tag reflects the forced separation of individuals and the profound impact of the war on the Korean people. This visual concept provides a powerful illustration of the human cost of the war, highlighting the emotional toll it took on families and communities. By using this concept, the viewer can better understand the impact of the war on the Korean people and appreciate the significance of the ongoing efforts to reunify the country.
The T-shirt is merchandise for the Korean War timeline poster, aimed at enhancing the viewer's experience and creating a lasting memory. By offering this T-shirt, viewers can take a piece of the timeline with them and proudly wear it, showing their support for the project and the importance of remembering history. The T-shirt can also serve as an effective advertising method, helping to increase the visibility and awareness of the timeline project. By wearing the T-shirt in public, people may be curious and ask about the project, leading to more interest and potential viewers for the timeline poster. The T-shirt serves as a powerful and practical way to promote the Korean War timeline and encourage people to remember and honor the sacrifices made during the war.
The Korean War: An Unfinished War
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The Korean War: An Unfinished War

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