A series of my personal little childhood memories I wrote and illustrated. It all started with a single daily sketch that turned out to be an illustration that turned out to be a social media project. The first illustration "About my older sister and the caterpillar" came before the text. It came even before I connected it to my personal experience. Later on all the other illustrations where planed. They where illustrating a particular chosen memory of mine. It turned out that many people have similar childhood memories. 
This is a very simple little memory. But so precious to my heart. Me and my mom went somewhere. Then suddenly she stops near a bush and says: “Look! See those little green thingies? Those are leaf buds. Leaves will grow out of them later. If you can see the buds, it means that the spring had come and everything has been awakened by it”. It’s still a mystery, why I liked it so much. Mom says I was the only one of her children, who was so impressed by the leaf buds. You never know what will impress your child. I tried to tell my older son about that magical thing. I think he wasn’t impressed. Oh well. I will try later with my younger son.

I have a really rad memory. BUT I don’t exactly know, if it actually happened. I need to ask my older sister. Me and her went for a walk. I was 4-ish, she was 10-ish. At that point she seemed very mature and extremely cool. (Though, not much has changed). So, we were standing on a sidewalk at the school’s courtyard, which was on our block, and we saw a caterpillar. It had not been smoking hookah, obviously, but it was huge, turquoise, and had circles down it’s back. Just like in a cartoon. Nothing out of the ordinary, of course, but it’s been 30 years since then, and I loved it!
A teen little memory about a big thing. We were in the Amazonian forest with my parents about 20 years ago. Even though, the forest was extremely dense, you could see the sky so crystal clear. Oh,God, that sky! (since it’s Equator and in the middle of nowhere). There we were on a night tour. I looked up, and there was Milky Way in its full glory. I became transfixed on it. My mom asked, if anything was wrong. And I said: “I am Gulliver”. Unfortunately, the romance was abruptly seized by something flying and buzzing that flew by past me and bit me though the jacket.

