If you happen to ponder why your bosom buddy gobbles up all sorts of delicacies without ruining her figure, while the mere sight of such temptations would pack on the pounds for you, it’s time to know that there’s something more than just determination and perseverance at play. A recent study carried out in Tel Aviv by Professor Gregory Livshitz from the Faculty of Medicine has unraveled the fact that female body weight is significantly impacted by a genetic predisposition rather than vigorous physical activity or dieting.
To arrive at this conclusion, Livshitz examined 3,000 pairs of twins, both identical and dizygotic, of middle age. It was unclear up until now to what degree genetics and environmental factors play a role in determining body weight. With the aid of DNA analysis, Livshitz found that a woman’s weight could be predicted 50% of the time based on her age and genetic makeup.

The study highlights that genetics plays a critical role in determining body weight in females. Thus, if your genetics predispose you to being overweight, you may find it challenging to maintain an ideal body weight even with regular exercise and a healthy diet. On the other hand, if your genetic code favors a leaner body type, you may be able to indulge in your favorite treats without piling on the pounds. It's a fascinating revelation that could help us better understand and treat obesity in the future.
A good figure is in the genes
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A good figure is in the genes

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