Profil von Morgan Leigh

CSR Collectibles: Trading Card Design Series

Allen Robinson, Chris Doyle, Kurt Bryant, TJ White: Heard of them? Probably not. But you probably have seen their work—if you've watched the movie, Scream 2, then you most definitely have. As starring stunt performers for "Ghostface," the client (CSR Collectibles) aims to turn these unsung contributors of such an iconic role into household names.
Project Details
Per client instructions, the assignment was to design trading cards to look like that of the provided baseball card (below)—but made custom for the given actor.
Front (left) and back (right) of client-provided baseball card for reference.
Approach: Leveraged online font identification tool to accurately identify and apply the fonts used in the reference design, matching its typographic style. 

The client also supplied photography featuring scenes of the stunt actors portraying "Ghostface," along with important information to include about each actor. One aspect of my responsibilities was to organize the information into categories, find additional relevant information to better fill the space, and refine the wording into engaging and clever copy.

Card-to-card challenges: With such limited resources available on the stuntmen, certain card iterations demanded increased improvisation due to the substantial scarcity of information and live action photos to work with. 
Ghostface Mask Illustration
Another project requirement was to create a custom illustration of the Ghostface mask as a consistent element to be placed at the bottom-right corner on the front side of each card.
Produced vector graphic by using one of the client's provided photos as my reference image for tracing in Adobe Illustrator. The following GIF animation serves to visually depict that relationship between the source image and my custom Ghostface mask illustration. Side note: the source image was edited in Photoshop by yours truly to create a distressed effect for purposes of spicing up this presentation.​​​​​​​
Photo Editing, Manipulation, & Retouching
To enhance visual interest and maximize the effectiveness of my designs, I employed several editing techniques — from manipulating in-picture elements, to enhancing low-resolution images, to simply flipping the direction of certain photos. 

Below, you'll find a couple of examples that offer a glimpse into my production process. However, please note that there are many additional instances beyond what is showcased here.
Trading Cards in Print
CSR Collectibles: Trading Card Design Series


CSR Collectibles: Trading Card Design Series
