Silva Kedmenec's profile

The Valar of Middle-earth

The Valar were the fourteen Ainur, Great Powers who, after being molded of Eru Ilúvatar's thought, entered Arda after its creation, to give order to the world and combat evils. They had helped to begin the shaping of Arda through the music of Ilúvatar, and often referred to one another as "brother" or "sister". Each of the Ainur had added his or her own part to the music creating the world incarnate, save for Melkor, who at the time was counted as the strongest of them. 
His vision of what Arda should have been differed from Eru's, which led to his banishment and great rebellion that would cause most of the ills of the world of Arda.
Manwë, King of the Valar, King of Arda, Lord of air, wind, and clouds, 
noblest and greatest in authority, 
spouse to Varda, Lady of the Stars, 
who kindles the first stars before the Ainur descend into the world.

Aulë, Lord of matter, Master of all crafts, 
spouse to Yavanna, Queen of the Earth and Giver of Fruits, 
who creates the Two Trees, and is responsible for the kelvar (animals) and olvar (plants)
Mandos, Judge of the Dead, Master of Doom, 
Chief advisor to Manwë, Keeper of the souls of elves, his spouse is
 Vairë, the Weaver, she weaves the story of the World in her tapestries, 
which are draped all over the halls of Mandos.

Nienna, Lady of Mercy, 
acquainted with grief, weeps constantly, but not for herself; and those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope.
Estë, the Gentle, "the healer of hurts and of weariness, 
spouse to Lórien, Master of Visions and Dreams.
Oromë, Huntsman of the Valar, spouse to 
Vána, Queen of Blossoming Flowers and the Ever-young.
Nessa, the Dancer, her spouse is 
Tulkas, the Strong, The Brave One, Champion of Valinor
Ulmo, Lord of Waters, comes to Valinor only in dire need. 
A chief architect of Arda. In authority, second to Manwë.
Morgoth, the Great Enemy, "Black Foe of the World", 
rebelled against his creator out of pride and sought to corrupt Arda. 
The Valar of Middle-earth


The Valar of Middle-earth


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