This project was created by my Strategic Design fellowship class at the Robert H. Smith School of Business. Five individuals were a part of the project and my major role was the design and creative director. The team was tasked with developing a competitive project that would be judged in-house with the potential for moving forward in the National American Marketing Association Case Competition. 
In this case competition, we were tasked with re-branding the Wall Street Journal which placed a greater focus on improving subscription rates among current college students, at both community colleges and universities, as well as alumni.

As a result of the National American Marketing Association Case Competition Sponsored by the Robert H. Smith School of Business, my team placed 3rd! We are very proud of our hard work and I am glad to have represented the University of Maryland as this year's Creative Director and Designer. 
Please view our team's hard work in the AMA Final UMD Presentation. Some information has been removed because of confidentiality. 
WSJ | Pathway


WSJ | Pathway
