I invite you to visit the into the fantasy world.
In worlds where side by side weapons can become a legend.....
Skinner was the coveted weapon of the orc chieftain, Grommash Hellscream. Forged from the purest metals and imbued with ancient magic, it was said that the sword possessed a will of its own, thirsting for the blood of Hellscream's enemies.
With Skinner in his hand, Hellscream had led his armies to countless victories, crushing all those who dared to oppose him. The sword's razor-sharp edge had carved a path of destruction through the ranks of his foes, earning Hellscream a reputation as one of the greatest warriors in all of Azeroth.
But despite his formidable strength, Hellscream knew that he was mortal. And so, as he lay dying on the battlefield, he entrusted Skinner to his most trusted lieutenant, an orc named Drogath.
Drogath wielded Skinner with a newfound ferocity, determined to honor his fallen leader and continue his legacy. And so, the legend of Skinner lived on, its name forever etched into the annals of orcish history as a symbol of power and conquest.
Thank you for coming and see you!
Sword Skinner Blender3d


Sword Skinner Blender3d
