We have been studying different UX of ATMs for a long time, so this project portrays our personal research on the fully adaptable touch screen solution. We have identified the main problems that users face, such as complex navigation, different limitations and outdated appearance. Interactions with the device often become unpredictable, forcing client taking unnecessary actions. All of that causing queues near the ATM, making people become dissatisfied and stressed. We took Global bank name as an abbreviation, as it could be any other financial institution or service.

Noir studio came up with a very convenient and technologically advanced touch-screen ATM, combining sophisticated design and clear interface solution. We have integrated a few advanced functions such as fast withdrawal and option for displaying and hiding balance. And you don’t need to make an extra click for that! Also, the user can view in-depth statistics of his balance, evaluate his expenses and see the live-chart. Depending on the time, you can switch day and night mode.
Global Bank ATM
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Global Bank ATM

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