Roses Brief
Designival - To promote the 'up north' design festival, Designival. Designival is a gathering of professionals from various design fields who put on talk, demonstrations, portfolio viewing etc. My concept was to promote design as something you can not do alone. Promoting the ethos of the event where you will gain aid from others in your profession. I decided to do this through printed media. 
The above imagery is aimed at product designers and displays a Vacuum. So the message is that you can design a vacuum but you can not design in one.  
The above imagery is aimed at architects and displays a buildings blueprints portraying structural support. So the message is that you can design a support system but you can not design without one. 
The above imagery is aimed at fashion designers and displays a garment with the fabric shown weaving together. So the message is that good design is seamless. 
Advertising - Designival

Advertising - Designival

Promote the Design event 'Designival'.


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