Henkilön Urja P profiili

Ocean Harmony: A Poster for Marine Conservation

In a layered exploration of our interconnectedness with the oceans, this poster unveils the intricate relationship between fishermen, pollution, marine life, and human consumption. At the forefront, a fisherman casts his net against a backdrop of polluted waters, symbolizing the impact of human activity on marine ecosystems. Beneath the surface, marine life interacts with discarded waste, highlighting the devastating effects of pollution on underwater habitats. As the layers unfold, the journey comes full circle, depicting the unsettling reality of how pollutants ingested by marine creatures ultimately find their way onto our plates. Through poignant imagery and stark visual storytelling, this poster serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for marine conservation efforts and responsible consumption practices to break the cycle of harm and protect our oceans for future generations.
Ocean Harmony: A Poster for Marine Conservation


Ocean Harmony: A Poster for Marine Conservation
