The FIFA is making a countdown until the kick off of the 2023 Women's World Cup, by posting exclusive content on their social media. The social media agency Fifty Digital imagined  the « 100 days to go » concept, and I was in charge of the direction and art direction of this short animated film, featuring all of the shining stars of the Women's World Cup to come. The mail challenge was to bring all of those iconic locations to life, while creating moments for each of all the 12 players, in less than 40 seconds. We tried to do it by building momentums around oppositions, altruism, spirit of competition and self-transcendence. 

Client : FIFA 
Agency : Fifty Digital 


Production : Tom Henneberry (Jelly London)
Direction and Art Direction : Charlie Toqué
Animation : Hartley Campbell
                 Szymon Kwinto
              Charlie Toqué
Compositing : Charlie Toqué
Sound design by Fifty Digital

Line up
Model sheet
Style Frame and Color Script
Oceaunz™ Ball representation
Compositing Breakdown
FIFA Women's World Cup

FIFA Women's World Cup
