U Vote
UVote is an online voting system for young adults. People used to go to a specific place to cast their vote but now its done through their mobile phone from anywhere and not miss out, also get latest news about elections , updates and get information about the winners.
This part was most important in the process of design as I was fully able to understand the pain points , frustrations, stress by conducting unmoderated interview session for about 10mins for each. The research got me straight to the point like their frustration , stress , fear and goals.
Digital Wireframes
After testing the Low-Fi Prototype I did a lot of iterations to the screens that needed changes like the placement of an image and text alignment from the feedback received.
High Fidelity Mock-ups
Design Process
Style Guide
Site Map
Some Research Questions:
Do you vote during elections?
How do you feel during the election  days?
If you had other modes to vote, would you consider voting?
Do you think an online voting system might solve these problems?
What apps have your previously used?
How do you want us to improve our app better than the existing ones?
Key Insights
20% Do not have their Permanent Voter Cards.
70% Feel insecure  during election voting process.
85% Would prefer to vote online than at voting polls.
60% Users do not trust current voting process.
The purpose of define stage is to identify the problem the Designer is trying to solve. I was able to synthesize based on my observation of their needs into actionable plans. After getting the idea about which problem I am trying to solve for the users  from using personas and empathy map and user stories.
Problem Statement
The electoral process has been filled with corruption, commission , fraud , stress , insecurity and has been experienced by citizens. The main idea of democracy needs to be restored in people and give the rights and authority to choose their governing officials.
The main goal for the U Vote app is secure , easy and safe experience for eligible people to vote during elections with accessibility. The app has biometrics verification thats verified digitally in their homes or anywhere in the electoral location and to give them smooth and quick process to make their vote matter.
Checkout the Prototype below
U Vote
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U Vote

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