Day 96 of daily artworks of Deniz from Journey Industries
[meaning & technical explanation below]
Bit of a minimal work today because I got home late. So let's talk chrysanthemums. They stand for unpleasantness and death in a short story I love, written by D.H. Lawrence. In general they have a variety of concepts to suggest, but the yellow ones are the worst. Older texts suggest yellow ones stand for a heart left to desolation. Okay enough dark stuff, because today we're killing them. See the scissors in my hand? They are special gardening scissors, bought it specifically for this work. Today I felt some old unresolved things from my past creep it's little stupid yellow head, peek out, and poke on my brain; like an annoying little kid, making me question the things I hear, things I say, things I believe. Enough is enough, stupid chrysanthemums, time to decapitate your butts. I hate having my perception of things warped and doubted due to past events, and in this work, stupid chrysanthemums stand for those past garbage. I've done a pretty good job so far in the past 2,5 years increasing my self-awareness, cutting down some of those bad flowers, and throwing them out, hence the ones already in my hand. But I despise the fact that I still find some, and there will always be other ones to find and cut down along the way, hence the ones still in the shadows. I'll keep barging in to those rooms, cutting those dumb little yellow venomous rascals into a million pieces.
Not much to say about this one technically, bunch of textures made into ground, and walls with 3D, also cut an image of myself and turned into a shadow. The light above is CC Lens Flare effect. Oh I love the CC Lens Flare.



day 96 baby!
