Biota Studios's profile

Malta Regional - New Package

For the new package of this big Venezuelan soft drink brand, ARS-DDB agency commisioned Biota to design and deliver a 6 second animated packshot for the commercials of a campaing. Featuring the evolution from the old image to the new one.
Both the agency and the client liked our design proposal so much that decided to make 2 full 20 second long commercials. And so we did!
Idea sketch:
Biota proposed a fluid evolution from within the bottle, with ice refreshment at its core, enclosed by the yellow and red stripes that ultimately will form the new bottle.
This is the teaser. 
Revealing Spot
And this is the "Reveal" spot
The old bottle
Client: Malta Regional
Agency: ARS DDB

Animation: Biota Studios
Chief director: Reinaldo Mendoza
Executive production: Sabrina Gutierrez
Directors: Reinaldo Mendoza & Jose Alberto Gómez
Production: Jonathan Becerra
Animation coordinator: Francisco Morales
3D animation and compositing: Jose Alberto Gómez
Sound: Daniel Belardinelli
Malta Regional - New Package


Malta Regional - New Package

Two animated TV ads for the Venezuelan soft drink "Malta Regional".
