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Keep Going Now! Summer Bird Feeding Benefits

Keep Going Now! Summer Bird Feeding Benefits
Given the abundance of birds eye frozen food free-range bird food, many individuals choose to take their feeders down for the year to save a little time and money. But for the Kaytee wild bird food, there are many benefits for those who remember the birds this time of year and keep their feeders stocked.

Put Out Feeders for Birds 
Summertime is a busy time for adult birds as they raise their young, and feeders give these busy parents a convenient food source. Many adults introduce their young to feeders after the young leave the nest. Woodpeckers bring their young and teach them how to eat peanuts or suet cakes. Juvenile orioles learn to cling to the side of a feeder as they hone their foraging abilities. Even if there were no other benefits, feeding bird food pellets all summer long would be worthwhile just to observe the young. You'll never get tired of watching young birds figure out how to traverse their brand-new environment.

 Serve Fresh Fruit
Orioles are a favorite summer flier because they infuse any garden with a burst of color. The brilliant orange birds' natural food sources are nectar and insects. Offering them real fruit is the finest and safest approach to draw them in. Impale an orange on a branch after slicing it in half. To keep birds at your feeder longer, try offering grapes in bunches; they will pick at the fruit rather than take it away. Moreover, robins, catbirds, and mockingbirds are drawn to fresh fruit. Provide as many bird water feeders as possible for birds.
Keep Going Now! Summer Bird Feeding Benefits

Keep Going Now! Summer Bird Feeding Benefits


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