Profiel van Psycheand Beyond

What is Behaviour Modification Therapy

What is Behaviour Modification Therapy and How it can help you change?
Behaviour modification therapy (BMT) is an approach designed to change (modify) a certain unwanted negative behaviour. Using a system of positive or negative consequences, the individual learns the correct set of responses for any given event.
Behaviour modification has been proved to be successful in treating:
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD)
Separation anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD)
Disruptive disorder among other conditions
How to Use Behaviour Modification?
You can't force a child to change their behaviour but you can change the environment so they'll be more motivated to change. Behaviour modification is about modifying the environment in a way that your child has more incentive to follow the rules.
•             Consistency is the key to making behaviour modification effective:
 If you praise your child for doing their chores, use praise every time they do their chores until it becomes a habit. Then, you can gradually phase out your praise over time.
•             Negative consequences should also be consistent:

 If your child only gets sent to time-out once out of every five times they hit someone, your consequences won't be effective. Your child needs to go to time-out each and every time they do the unwanted behaviour.

Keep in mind that behaviour modification should be customized to your child's specific needs. The strategies that work well for one child might not work with another.
What is Behaviour Modification Therapy

What is Behaviour Modification Therapy


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