Movimento 3D

More space, for what matters.
One membership, to get more out of Google

Google One is a subscription-based service that provides expanded cloud storage, as well as various other benefits such as access to Google experts, family sharing, more Cloud storage, longer video calls, premium photo editing,
a built-in VPN and other services. It was launched by Google in 2018, as an upgrade to its existing Google Drive storage plans.

Go to market
Done in: 4 months // Made in Paris, São Paulo, Singapore

Google One Product Hero Video x Orchid
Google needed a rebranding video to help bring light to the new benefits available to existing Google One subscribers and potential new ones. They wanted a video, and we recommended a 3D solution to achieve their objectives and better communicate the message perfectly. without the help of a voiceover. We needed a powerful visual concept to be able to compare the basic services and premium features Google One offers in hopes to entice viewers to subscribe. Throughout the video we switch from 2D illustrations, representing the basic services to a richer, more complex and more dynamic 3D environment, representing the premium offer. We also created an original soundtrack with custom sound design for a better immersion into the brand environment.

Behind the scenes
All of the animations has been created with Cinema4D and After effects

Creative Director: Hanane Djouhri, Philippe Thery
3D Motion Designers: Philippe Thery, Edlyn Ng Zi Xin
2D Motion Designers: Edgar Yamada, Murilo Coda
Storyboard: Milena Romão
Account Manager: Enrico Torres
Digital Producer: Matheus Nobre
Sound: La Ligne Bleu

made with  by Orchid

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