Marc Ramirez 的個人檔案

Experimental publication | self-sufficient life

If everything stopped abruptly, how many people would be able to live on their own?

By posing this question, a journey of enquiry and study has been initiated into the situation of the problem posed. Headlines such as: “Ecovillages demonstrate their autonomy during the pandemic”, “Living in community: an alternative system that expands” or “Food self-sufficiency from the communities” to name a few, have been some of the many proposals found. Undoubtedly, there is an emergence of “alternative” lifestyles spreading all over the world, and that all these initiatives are aimed at improve the relationship between humans and the environment in which they live in and, always, aiming for self-sufficiency in all aspects. 
Against this backdrop, Miradas is born. An experimental, hybrid editorial piece. A publication that requires the interaction of the receiver to be interpreted and lived from within. It is born with the aim of giving visibility and serving as a loudspeaker for life projects based on self-sufficiency.
This first edition is based in Catalonia, the land that has seen me grow up.
The gaze that says and communicates so much. 
The gaze that explains so much and captivates others.
 The gaze that says everything. Gaze. Gazes, Mirades.

Mirades, towards a self-sufficient life to rediscover our identity

Documented in 2021-2022
by Marc Ramirez
thank you 🙃
Experimental publication | self-sufficient life