The aim of the project was to learn the basics of a cycle which includes the parts, materials, mechanisms and finishes and the various types of cycles which exist within the course of two weeks. After which I broke down the cycle into parts and tried to make a functioning mobile vehicle by using most of the parts.

The mobile vehicle I chose was a simple kick scooter which turned out to be complicated than expected. The scooter is designed in a way that it is compact, and can be used for smaller commutes. the initial design also had a folding mechanism and a sling to carry it around almost like a bag. 

The process of the project was fairly minimal. First, I dismantled the BMX bicycle procured from a scrapyard, looked for parts which were working, for once which needed to me replaced. Figured out what parts of the bicycle would be used in making the fork, shaft, base or handles. 

Some parts like the axles, forks or baseplate had to be made on metal laith or cut off from the main part. 

There were a lot of loopholes throughout the process due to the unavailability of material hence I had to change the design a few times. 

The process was for two weeks long hence there was not a lot of prototyping involved but was just a quick break and make.

The making involved several skills like welding, cutting, grinding, buffing. The process also had cleaning the rusted parts and finishing them after welded.


Some parts of the final product does not look like the renders as it had to change because of material constrains. the final product was made by keeping in mind the stability and built quality of the scooter in mind. The project is a work in progress as coating it with paint is pending.
Kick Scooter