Ishika Saoji's profile

-100Degrees (Mobile Game)

-100degrees is a thrilling adventure escape game that challenges players to escape from different levels by collecting specific elements and completing the final task before the time runs out.
In this thrilling adventure game, the player finds themselves stranded in the arctic circle during a blizzard, severely frostbitten and desperately searching for shelter. As they stumble upon an ominous-looking building, they seek refuge inside, only to realize that they have unwittingly 
entered an abandoned high-security mental asylum for criminals.
As the player enters, they realize that time is running out, and they must act fast if they hope to survive. With limited resources at their disposal, they take up the task of collecting oil, wood, and matchboxes to light a fire and keep themselves alive.
UI for the game
Composition of the level
The level is put together keeping in mind the sense of urgency the player is feeling. 
The elements to be collected are placed in places where they can be found with less effort. 
There are narrow alleys and dimly lit areas to confuse the player and the rooms 
are interconnected to make navigation difficult.
Moodboard and Colour Scheme
Layout without Texture
Layout with Texture
Location of the level is a mental asylum in an unforgiving blizzard. 
The area is barely lit with flickering lights and dumped with old rusted furniture. 
The placement of the furniture is according to the asylums that treat high risk patients.
Rendered view, Ambient Occlusion view and Wireframe View
Screenshots from the Game
-100Degrees (Mobile Game)


-100Degrees (Mobile Game)
