Perfil de The Royal Studio

ESAD World Graphics Day 14

ESAD World Graphics Day: after having established itself as a reference in the celebration of the Portuguese graphic design, the event aims now to be open to all areas of design, promoting a forum for discussing ideas and processes around power and responsibility of the designer .

The ESAD World Graphics Day held at the Cine-Teatro Constantino Nery, organized by ESAD Matosinhos and the City Council, is based on quick and energic presentations by invited designers and studios. 
To flame on the discussion realm we went on to build the crook concept. The designer as The Thief: The robber, The robbed, The Hero, The villain, The one who steals the rich budgets to offer self-promoted projects, The strategist, The Mastermind, The shadow behind action, The Mission-planner, The killer and the Critic, The social and the egotistic.

Let the loot begin!
To kill or to design,
The World Graphics Day:


To design is to build narratives.

All photo credits of the idents are property of it's respective creative mentioned in the object and linked in the top.
Curated by the dopest José Bártolo: The Man, The critic, The respect & The
Reactor .
Event Executive Producer: Rute Carvalho (Departamento de Projeto e Comunicação ESAD).
Event & guidance credits to ESAD Matosinhos.

Enjoy a wonderful time,
Have fun, build history,
Royal Studio
ESAD World Graphics Day 14

ESAD World Graphics Day 14

ESAD World Graphics Day: after having established itself as a reference in the celebration of the Portuguese graphic design, the event aims to n Leer más
