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" परत " / Advance Weave Design Project

One side captures the lively energy of yellow while the other embodies the grounded nature of brown in a white background.
This swatch is inspired from the Intricate structure of complex systems, and showcases a dynamic interplay of colors and textures. From one side to the other, the fabric transforms, revealing hidden patterns.
Each layer is crafted from hand-painted and plied yarns, boasts a stunning array of layers that reveal hidden nuances and subtle details upon closer inspection. 
​​​​​​​Inspired by Gradual color shifts and subtle optical illusions due to interplay of light and textures.​​​​​​​
It is a celebration of contrast smoothness and roughness shown through hand-painted yarns and scattered piles. The piles are intentionally placed in a linear, irregular pattern, evoking the adaptive nature of lichens and their ability to thrive in diverse environments.
It is just like the natural progression of colors in lichen their organic shape, fluidity, and intricate textures. 
The swatch has no proper shape, no beginning or end, emulating the way lichen grows, making room for itself wherever it can.
Creating these woven swatches taught me the importance of experimentation and exploration in the creative process. I discovered new possibilities by trying different weave structures, yarn combinations, and color schemes.
Additionally, this project has highlighted the importance of attention to detail and patience in weaving. Achieving the desired texture, pattern, and color requires careful planning, precise execution, and a willingness to try again and again until you get it right.
From a technical point of view, it has opened an array of possibilities with multiple techniques.
" परत " / Advance Weave Design Project
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" परत " / Advance Weave Design Project

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