Ashley Lian 的個人檔案

Electronic Culture and Media

MICA Gothic
Painting-to-Life film assignment (film unit) 
Collaboration with Allie Wood, Sarah Gavagan, and Tina Pae 
Film, 2014
We had to create a short, silent, narrative film that referenced a painting. We picked American Gothic. 
You Have your Mother's Eyes 
Utopia/Dystopia Project (Photoshop Unit) 
Photo manipulation, 2014
I took portraits of me and 6 of my friends and combined our faces together. I wanted to create images of a utopia where race becomes so interwoven between individuals that it could not be distinguished. 
Photoshop exercise: combining faces with layers
Photo manipulation, 2014
To learn how to use layers and masks within Photoshop, we were assigned an in-class exercise where we had to take two celebrities and create their potential offspring. I chose Rupert Grint and Emma Watson (Ron and Hermione.) 
Client Design: Stickers
Client/Designer Project (Illustrator unit) 
Digital illustration, 2014
We paired up with classmates and pretended that we were graphic designers that had to design a profesional leave behind for our clients. My client was Michelle Bozenda, and she wanted a leave behind for an illustration internship interview. I created a digital illustration from her simple self-caricature, and created another one based on the interests she gave me. 
How to be Art (what I learned at my first year at MICA)
EMaC Final 
Text design on various surfaces, 2014
It's the end of my first year at MICA, and this is basically a culimination of how I feel about art now. It's a little satiric, but also a little serious. After a school year of questioning what art is, I still don't feel like I have a clear definition. I know how to look, act, talk and create like an artist, but does that make me one? 
To portray my view, I wanted to keep it simple, so I used black, Helvetica Neue text on a white background. I repeated this system on three different materials: as paper on canvas, a poster, and a T-shirt. 
Electronic Culture and Media

Electronic Culture and Media

These are the main projects from my Electronic Media and Culture class during my Spring 2014 Semester at MICA. My professor was Kim Llerena.
