Profilo di Better Known

Ripe for disruption: Branding the Family Office

Ripe for disruption: Branding the Family Office

Cuthbert’s came to us with a clear goal. They wanted to disrupt the Family Office category by helping first-generation wealth owners start a Family Office. 

In a cluttered financial industry with little to distinguish one brand from the next, Cuthberts needed to stand out and articulate their unique difference.

We knew that the business landscape has become far more complex in recent times, especially in the regulatory, tax and wealth management space. These days, investment strategies have to be more flexible and informed to keep pace with accelerating change and shifting market dynamics. 

Understanding the complexities that wealthy families face, Cuthberts needed a distinct brand identity to attract like-minded people. Our aim was to empower them, through a unified brand experience and through a consistent personality, tone of voice and visual identity.

Ripe for disruption: Branding the Family Office


Ripe for disruption: Branding the Family Office
